2 – Fact checking on some public and false “information” regarding the Holy See
False affirmations published by “Evropeiska Pravda” (cf. www.eurointegration.com.ua/)
“Pope Francis, from the beginning of the war in 2014, called it an “internal conflict”. False: The Holy Father rather called it a “war where the perpetrators camouflage themselves” (cf. www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2019/july/documents/papa-francesco_20190705_sinodo-chiesaucraina.html)
Pope Francis has downgraded the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church from a Church to a simple “community of believers”. False: The expression “community” is sometimes used as a synonym for the term “Church”. But the Holy Father Francis clearly calls the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church by its true term, Church (cf. Ibidem)
Pope Francis is surrounded by people who give a symmetrical interpretation of the war in Ukraine. That is why he does not mention the name of the aggressor. False: the Holy Father in all his public speeches and on all issues observes the principle of not mentioning the names of Heads of State and the names of countries, when speaking in negative context (cf. https://www.lanacion.com.ar/el-mundo/el-papa-francisco-con-la-nacion-de-que-serviria-que-fuera-a-kiev-si-la-guerra-continuara-al-dia-nid21042022/)
Pope Francis has criticised the supply of arms to Ukraine. False: the Holy Father speaks in general against the “diabolical and perverse logic of weapons”, referring above all to “those who cause war”. (cf. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/angelus/2022/documents/20220227-angelus.html).